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Creating a basic application


If you want to get started quickly, check out this script. It covers the basics but doesn't demonstrate all the features of the library. For a comprehensive understanding, read through the entire section. To discover all the available features, take a look at the other documentation modules.

# We import the main class
from textual_wizard import Wizard

# We import the input types we want
from textual_wizard.inputs import Integer, Number, Select, Text

# We define our questions in a list
    Text("name", "What is your name?", placeholder="John Doe", allow_blank=False),
        "What is your favourite animal?",
            ("I love dogs 🐶", "dog"),
            ("I love cats 😺", "cat"),
            ("Something else...", "other"),
    Integer("pet_count", "How many pets do you have?"),
    Number("height", "How tall are you (in meters)", placeholder="1.70"),

# We create the wizard and run it,
# getting the user's inputs in the answers dict
wiz = Wizard(MY_QUESTIONS, "MyApp", "Hello")
answers =

print(f"Your name is {answers['name']}.")


This section will guide you through creating a simple Wizard application in less than 3 minutes.


First, import the necessary modules based on the features you need.

# Import the main class (REQUIRED)
from textual_wizard import Wizard

# Import the desired input types.
# These are the only availble types for now, 
# But we are planning on adding new ones soon!
from textual_wizard.inputs import Integer, Number, Select, Text

Defining your questions

To define the questions asked by your application, you must create a list containing input objects:

    Text("name", "What's your name?", placeholder="John Doe"),
    Integer("pet_count", "How many pets do you have?"),

Running the wizard

Instantiate the Wizard class with your questions and some metadata. Then, call the run() method to execute the wizard and retrieve user inputs as a dictionary.

my_wizard = Wizard(MY_QUESTIONS, "App Title", "App Subtitle")
answers =

print(f"Your name is {answers['name']}.")